Travel Information
By Flight
The closest international airport is Cochin International Airport which is 60 km away from the Venue. Conveyance will be arranged from the airport to the venue.
By Train
Nearest Railway station is Kottayam which is 22 KM away from the venue. Conveyance will be arranged on request.
By Bus
St Thomas College, Palai is on the Kottayam-Pala High way. Participants could get down at the main gate of the College.
The official language of the Kerala is Malayalam, but English is understood by everyone.
The official currency is Indian rupee. You can exchange your currency to Indian rupee from the airport.
The weather in June will be moderate and the average day-time temperature is 24-28 C.
Time zone
In June, clocks are on Greenich Mean Time (GMT) plus 5.3 hour.
Electric Current
Electricity is supplied at 220 Volts. Two-pin electric outlets (220 V, 50 Hz) are used
Mobile phones could be used. Sim cards could be bought from any mobile shop by producing your identity card and passport size photograph.